Let’s start by defining what remarketing is; remarketing also known as retargeting is a form of online advertising that authorizes website to display their ads to target the users who have visited their site.
Where do these ads appear? These ads appear while the users are surfing the web just to keep the brand on the users’ mind encouraging them to come back to the website and make a purchase. Platforms to launch remarketing ads: Google Display Remarketing Remarketing ads are usually launched on Google, following a few easy steps. It all starts by installing a code given by Google to be added on the website backend. For example, you can check the page that is most visited on your website to create an audience based on that. To draw them back, you can create a special text message. If you're new to remarketing, we advise you to target the users who have visited your website’s homepage. Google analytics can also be effective for your ads. This platform can help you get all the information you need and more regarding your audience. Facebook Pixel Remarketing This might sound new to you, but yes you can do remarketing ads on Facebook. You can start by installing Facebook pixels to your website. Based on the data collected by Facebook and your website, you can launch the retargeting ads to reach the audience you want. Email Retargeting If you have a company that sends newsletters on the daily or weekly basis, this is the platform for you to reach your audience. A retargeting pixel can be added to your outgoing emails and will be installed when your subscribers or users will open your emails. From that strategy, you can reach more people and inform people that your services are available everywhere. Why Remarketing? What are the advantages? With the remarketing ads, you are now closer to your targeted audience even after they finished browsing on your website. By being present on other sites on the web, you are increasing your brand exposure and becoming more recognizable pushing your audience indirectly to make a purchase. Remarketing is a strategy that has one specific objective, converting your page visitors into leads, which means getting a higher conversion rate. Also, it can help you increase your website traffic and your ROI “Return on investment “ This online advertising strategy is also budget-friendly, you can set the amount that you suit you best to reach your audience. And that’s not all, you can also know what are the top performing website on the display network to optimize your message and your budget or even sometimes the visual for specific pages. Choosing the remarketing approach is very powerful, because you’re not only reaching people who have already shown interest in your company or service but also new customers get reminded of your brand. If you wish to know more about remarketing ads, you can register to our CDMA course or if you need help launching your remarketing campaign, you can contact us!
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March 2020
AuthorImad Karam, CEO Categories